Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Old Wal-Mart Building in Pelham

Some of you may remember that awhile back I suggested that Pelham, Alabaster and Helena be combined into one town and that the city hall be the old Wal-mart building in Pelham. That's the old Wal-mart not the old, old Wal-mart. The old, old Wal-mart is now a Big Lots. Well no one listened to me. Apparently no one with authority, or at least no one with money liked my idea. Instead, someone has come in and remodeled the old Wal-mart into a building set up for multiple smaller shops. This remodeling work has been completed for awhile but the building(s) are still empty. In this months Pelham Pravda, the mayor had a little blurb where he was bragging about how tasteful the remodeling was and how that was what we could expect in the future now that Pelham has a new set of zoning ordinances. My question is this tasteful building going to continue to sit idle. I would have been more impressed with a little less taste and a little more commerce.

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