Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Pumping Oil

Last week I received the oil pump that I ordered off ebay. They sent the 115 volt model instead of the 12 volt model. No matter, I just fired up my little 1750 Coleman generator and it worked fine. When I got down to Columbiana Saturday, I did encounter a slight problem with the wand on the end of the pickup line. It was sucking air. Finally I took it off and put the end of the hose in the
55 gallon drum and the little pump pumped the drum dry in a matter of minutes.

Before my next pumping session, I suppose I will have to find and stop the air leak in the wand.In lieu of the wand, the seller where I bought the pump has a check valve, but it is $24 plus shipping and that seems like a bit of overkill just to keep the pump primed. Some how a $24 check valve on a $79 pump does not compute.

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