Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Victors Muffler Bandage

During the time that I have been modifying the Mercedes, I noticed
that it had started to have a small but annoying exhaust leak. The
hole was in the pipe from the manifold to the muffler, just before the
muffler. Several weeks ago, I ordered a Victor's Muffler Bandage kit
from someone on the Internet. I think it was Anyway,
day before yesterday I finally made time to put it on the leaking
pipe. Although the location of the leak made it some what difficult
to apply the bandage, with a little time and effort I was able to get
the leak covered. I know this is just a temporary fix and that I will
eventually need to replace the front pipe if not the complete exhaust
system, but this was quick, easy, cheap and for the time being quite

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Iraq 2005 = Vietnam 1968

All these excuses about why we can't get our troops out of Iraq sound awful familiar. I heard this same stuff back in the late 60's and early 70's about Vietnam. I was fooled back then and thought we had to stay the course or...

Now I know better. We need our troops out of Iraq NOW. Let the citizens of Iraq work out their own problems. I say bring our men and women home ASAP.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Pumping Oil

Last week I received the oil pump that I ordered off ebay. They sent the 115 volt model instead of the 12 volt model. No matter, I just fired up my little 1750 Coleman generator and it worked fine. When I got down to Columbiana Saturday, I did encounter a slight problem with the wand on the end of the pickup line. It was sucking air. Finally I took it off and put the end of the hose in the
55 gallon drum and the little pump pumped the drum dry in a matter of minutes.

Before my next pumping session, I suppose I will have to find and stop the air leak in the wand.In lieu of the wand, the seller where I bought the pump has a check valve, but it is $24 plus shipping and that seems like a bit of overkill just to keep the pump primed. Some how a $24 check valve on a $79 pump does not compute.

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