Sunday, August 05, 2012

Tomato Gravy at Maxwell Field

It is strange how as you get older, memories from long ago just seem to pop into your head. I know it is an accepted characteristic of old people that they are always talking about something that happened years ago. If you think about it, it makes sense that they would talk about old things, after all, they are old, they have been around and they have amassed a train load of memories. I say they instead of we cause I still don't feel old, but I do meet some if not most of the criteria.

This morning I was sitting here at my computer reading emails and checking out some links when something, I don't know what, caused me to remember an incident that happened many years ago. It had to be around 1964 because I was still in high school. It was in the summer and I had attended Boy's State at Troy State College (now Troy University) in Troy, AL. I don't remember a lot about that experience. I do recall that Troy had a beautiful campus and that we were there to learn how the government worked (that was back before I learned that the government doesn't work).

Anyway, along toward the end of the session we took a trip up to Montgomery to visit the legislature. All that was relatively uneventful. What I do remember is that we ate lunch at a cafeteria on Maxwell AFB. Why, I don't know, but that is where they fed us. I don't recall what all they had on the menu but I do remember that one of the vegetables was mashed potatoes served with tomato gravy. There were a lot of us and I was near the back of the line. When I reached the servers, they had run out of tomato gravy. That was nearly 50 years ago but I can still think back and easily summon up the disappointment I felt. That was the first time my government let me down and it would not be the last, but just like the break up with your first love, it is something that will never be forgotten.

Over the years I have eaten at a good many restaurants that served tomato gravy and I never fail to order it. I have even learned to cook it myself. If I am making gravy and I have fresh or canned tomatoes in the house I am a threat to make it tomato gravy. Funny how such a little thing can make such a lasting impression on you, but I do come from a very food oriented family.

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