Monday, May 21, 2012

The Georgia Game Park

Saturday, Dixie and I got up early and drove up to Whitney Junction and followed Hwy 11 up to Chattanooga. Last Thursday through Sunday was the Antique Alley Yard Sale that runs from Meridian MS to Bristol VA along Hwy 11. Saturday was the day we took in our portion of that sale. It is not as big of an event  as the World's Longest Yard Sale in August, but I like it and the weather in usually a bit cooler.

Every time I go this route and get up near Rising Fawn GA I pass the little building that was once the site of the Georgia Game Park. Many people remember the Georgia Game Park from its existence out at exit 1 on I-59 but I remember when it was on Hwy 11. Several times in the past, I have searched for Georgia Game Park on the internet but this year I was successful in finding a site that told its story.

Back in the 1960's my family made a trip to Tennessee, I think we started out in Nashville and ended up in Chattanooga. I seem to recall a visit to The Hermitage near Nashville and maybe Rock City and Ruby Falls in Chattanooga. I don't remember much else about that trip but I do remember that we came back down Hwy 11 coming home and passed by the Georgia Game Park. We did not stop, but for some reason it stuck in my mind. After reading the article about it, I kind of wish we had stopped. I would have liked to have tried some of that cherry cider.

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