Monday, April 07, 2008

No Drinkee, No Shootee

I see that the drinking age limit is making news again. The folks in favor of lowering the drinking age say it is a unfair for 18 years old to fight and die in Iraq but to be unable to drink a beer in the USA. I agree. The other side says that raising the drinking age to 21 lowered drunk driving deaths. They have statistics they say proves this. The argument is that people under the age of 21 are not mature enough to make appropriate choices when it comes to drinking. Ok, I will play along with that but my question is this. If a person under the age of 21 is too immature to make a decision about drinking alcohol, then are they not also too immature to make a decision about joining the military and killing people? You can not have it both ways. If the minimum drinking age stays 21 then the minimum age to join the military should be raised to 21 as well.

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