I spend a lot of time shopping on the web. I find that it is much easier to find and buy things on the internet than to go to multiple local stores and ultimately have to buy something different from what I want. Of course there are distinct advantages to buying locally, you save the cost of shipping and you get the product faster.
When I discovered that Home Depot and Lowes had websites, I was excited. Finally I thought I would have the best of both worlds. Shop for products online and then buy them at the local store. Unfortunately, both Home Depot's and Lowe's websites are virtually useless. They are difficult to negotiate and the search engines almost never return any items. On the few occasions that they do return items, they are usually not related to the original search. I have purposely looked for items that I know are in the store and almost never was able to force their search engine to find it. What seemed to be a blessing turns out to be just an aggravation.
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