Thursday, March 10, 2005

Yet Another Linux Distro

Well I have discovered another Linux Distrubution that I really like. It is Puppy Linux. It is only about 50 megs and boots from a cd. Loads into Ram and releases the CD where it can be used for other things. It is amazingly complete. I did have a little problem with the planmaker spreadsheet that came with it. I opened an existing excel spreadsheet in planmaker and when I tried to update it, planmaker informed me that the spreadsheet was larger than the free version of planmaker would accomodate. I checked the planmaker website and the pay version is about 49 euros. A little more than I am able to pay right now. No problem, I still use Excel 97 on my W98 installation and OfficeOrg works real nice on windows and linux. All and all, the Puppy Linux CD works real well. I down loaded the version with Firefox which has become about the only browser I use. I don't have the URL for Puppy Linux at have but a Google search will pop it right up.

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