Saturday, March 26, 2005

Making Progress On Veggie Car

Everything is hooked up and ready to go except for the filter and fuel lines under the hood. I am currently waiting on deliver of some plate steel to fabricate a bracket for the filter. When that bracket is fabricated and the filter and lines are connected, it will be time for a road test.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Easter Bunny and Global Warming

What do they have in common? They are both myths. How are they different? The mythical Easter Bunny is cute, cuddly and gets credit for Easter Baskets. The myth of Global Warming is making otherwise sane, intelligent people do things that are distructive, stupid and hurtful.

I just read a great article by Doctor Donald Miller (no relation). He was critiquing Michael Crichton's book 'State of Fear'. The article Toro! Toro! Michael Crichton links to some interesting information about the myth of Global Warming. If you are like me and just don't believe the currently accepted 'facts' of Global Warming you will enjoy this article. If you do believe in global warming, give this article a read and see if you can find where it went wrong and you are right. Have a nice day.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Did you see me on WTTO last night?

Yesterday morning I got a call from the guy at Greasel. He wanted to know how my conversion was running. I told him that I had made very little progress due to the weather. He said that a local Birmingham TV station had called him to see if anyone in their area was doing a conversion. He asked if he could give them my number. I told him OK. Soon thereafter, I got a call from a lady from WTTO. They wanted to interview me and see the car. I agreed. We met at the shop in Stewartville. The taped interview ran during the 9:00 PM news on WTTO last night (Mar 14, 2005). Oh well, my 15 seconds of fame are done, now back to the work at hand.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Yet Another Linux Distro

Well I have discovered another Linux Distrubution that I really like. It is Puppy Linux. It is only about 50 megs and boots from a cd. Loads into Ram and releases the CD where it can be used for other things. It is amazingly complete. I did have a little problem with the planmaker spreadsheet that came with it. I opened an existing excel spreadsheet in planmaker and when I tried to update it, planmaker informed me that the spreadsheet was larger than the free version of planmaker would accomodate. I checked the planmaker website and the pay version is about 49 euros. A little more than I am able to pay right now. No problem, I still use Excel 97 on my W98 installation and OfficeOrg works real nice on windows and linux. All and all, the Puppy Linux CD works real well. I down loaded the version with Firefox which has become about the only browser I use. I don't have the URL for Puppy Linux at have but a Google search will pop it right up.