Tuesday, January 18, 2005

PCLinuxOS 8.0

I was reading Claire Wolfe's Blog yesterday and came across a post about PCLinuxOS 8.0

I have been interested in Linux for several years and have tried a time or two to install it on various old pc's that I had laying around. Never was able to accomplish what I wanted to. The thing that intrigued me about PCLinuxOS 8.0 was that it was completely self contained, along with the necessary associated applications, on one bootable CD. I down loaded the ISO, burned a CD and put it in my main computer (an old 350mhz PII machine with 320 mb of ram.)

I was impressed. It loaded great, very fast, found most of my hardware and within minutes I was using it for web surfing and web based email using Firefox. The PC Linux Online website even described a method to customize the ISO. If you are like me and have always wanted to play with Linux but just never got around to it, here is your chance.

By the way, you can also install PCLinuxOS 8.0 to a HD partition from the same CD.

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