Friday, December 17, 2004

Routine Repairs First, Conversion Second

The conversion of my Mercedes Benz 300D to run on vegetable oil is currently on hold awaiting some repairs. Seems my little jewel has chosen this cold and wet time of year to develop a problem with the accelerator. The linkage on this model passes from the interior through the firewall, runs across the face of the firewall, down the passenger side of the engine, over the valve cover and then down to the injector pump. Somewhere in this myriad of levers, pivots, and rods, something is binding. So much so that pressing the accelerator in the car results in only the slightest movement at the injector pump. I have sprayed everything with penetrant, but no luck so far. I've got the car in my building semi-out of the weather, but with Christmas coming and the preparation that requires, I just haven't had the time to rectify the problem. Looks like now it may be after New Years before I can start on the conversion.

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