Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Firefox , three days later

Well I have been using Firefox for three days and it seems to be working fine. The initial problem that I had with opening additional windows appears to have been a problem with my computer. This is an old machine running Windows 98SE (I don't update until I absolutely have to.) It actually works pretty well, but during the day, it gradually uses up the available memory. I finally reach a point where opening an additional browser window results in a download screen or sometimes it opens and the down arrows are actually the number 6. When that happens, it is time to reboot. Not too long after I was unable to open the third Firefox window, I had to reboot. Since then I have been able to open multiple windows with no problems. Of course I have had to reboot a couple of times during the last two days. I am hoping that Firefox won't eat memory as fast as MSIE. Maybe I can go a couple of days without rebooting.

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