Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Firefox , three days later

Well I have been using Firefox for three days and it seems to be working fine. The initial problem that I had with opening additional windows appears to have been a problem with my computer. This is an old machine running Windows 98SE (I don't update until I absolutely have to.) It actually works pretty well, but during the day, it gradually uses up the available memory. I finally reach a point where opening an additional browser window results in a download screen or sometimes it opens and the down arrows are actually the number 6. When that happens, it is time to reboot. Not too long after I was unable to open the third Firefox window, I had to reboot. Since then I have been able to open multiple windows with no problems. Of course I have had to reboot a couple of times during the last two days. I am hoping that Firefox won't eat memory as fast as MSIE. Maybe I can go a couple of days without rebooting.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Firefox 1.0

Today I downloaded Firefox 1.0 at

I find MSIE to be slow and tedious and am always on the lookout for something better. I've tried Opera and Mozilla, but so far, I like Firefox better. I am having a problem getting it to open more than 2 windows at once, but I suspect I will figure it out.

If you want to try an alternative to Explorer, I recommend Firefox 1.0

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Greasel Kit is Here

The UPS man just pulled out of my driveway. He delivered two packages from Greasel. I had received an email earlier in the week saying that my conversion kit had been shipped. I have not opened the packages yet to see if every thing is in there, but I am excited. Veggie oil conversion, he we come.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

No conversion kit yet

I ordered a kit from on October 31 but have not received it yet. Now I find that they are redoing their web page and making some major mods to their kit. I sent them an email Friday to check on the status of the order, but haven't heard anything yet. I choose Greasel because they we the only ones that had a tank that I thought would fit my truck and still allow spare tire access. One of the changes they are making to their kits involves the tank so I don't know if I will be able to use it. I did notice that they are making vehicle specific kits now, so if they don't have the tank I ordered, maybe they will have one specifically designed for the 300D.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Looks like this time we won't have to secede

For the second time in as many days, I just read an article making the case for Northern secession from the union. This particular article was located at

In this article, as well as the previous article, the author made the point that the south is a net recipient of federal money where the north (and coastal west) is a net donor. I think that one of the main points that both authors missed is that the money the federal government is sending south is not stuffed into burlap bags and handled out to us po' confederates at train stations and post offices. Most of that money comes in the form of federal programs that don't improve our life at all. On the contrary, it enables and empowers meddling bureaucrats to find more and more ways to try to control our lives.

If the south is a problem to the north, they have no one to blame but themselves. The original 19th century secession would have gone off peaceably had not Mr. Lincoln decided to invade the south to try and maintain the influx of tariff money. As for this story of the invasion being necessary to free the slaves, slavery would have ended without the war, just as it did in virtually every other civilized nation in the world.

My thought is let them secede. I would rather be poor and free than under the control of some bureaucrat on the federal governments payroll.