Well the bowl season will soon be over. Both Auburn and Alabama have coordinator openings and I am sure that they are already beating the bushes looking for the best replacement candidates. One place they may not be looking but probably should be is at the folks who comment on al.com. These people know more about college football than anyone else. They are experts on offense, defense, recruiting, play calling. Everything. If you don't believe it try reading their comments. In fact if coach Chizik and coach Saban really want to do spectacular things, they should probably hire a couple of the al.com commenters and make them Chief Operation Coach (you know kind of like the CEO and COO in companies). The head coach could be like the CEO of a big company and just step aside and let the COC (Chief Operation Coach) run everything. After all, they know everything there is to know about college football, they are the world's greatest experts. Don't think so? Like I said, just read their comments. They will tell you themselves.
By the way, I know that it shows a lack of judgement on my part that I keep reading al.com comments. I promise myself that I won't and then somehow, I am scrolling down, reading an article and the first thing I know I am reading the comments. Once you start, it is kind of like watching a horrible train wreck, it saddens and sickens you but some how you can't look away. I don't make New Year's Resolutions, but if I did, mine this year would be to not read al.com comments. Every time I do I am pretty sure my IQ drops by 5 points.