Thursday, January 28, 2010

Good Guys and Bad Guys

Next Tuesday the final season of the TV series "Lost" begins. Last night, I watched last season's final episode on Hulu. Not to give away any spoiler info but in it Ben does what I would call a bad thing. Through out the entire series, Ben has been heard to tell people, "we are the good guys."

It is said, and I believe, that your brain works on problems while you sleep. Apparently, last night, my brain worked on the problem of Ben, a self proclaimed good guy, doing a bad thing. This morning I woke up thinking of this famous quote by Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson:

There is so much good in the worst of us, an so much bad in the best of us, that it behooves all of us not to talk about the rest of us.

I have to admit that it has crossed my mind that an alternate solution might be that Ben is lying about being a good guy.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Maybe Bigger Is Better

I originally wrote this back in January 2010 but somehow it got saved as a draft and never was published. I was doing some house keeping in my blog files tonight (8 July 2010) and ran across it. I read it and still feel about the same way so here it is:

I was born and raised in Alabama and have spent most of my life here. It has always been my home. I have traveled often but usually in the SE US. I have made one trip to England, a couple of trips to Canada and 3 or 4 out west. After traveling, I have always returned and in my mind I've thought, there really is no place like home. But that has changed in the last few years. A few years ago, my daughters family moved to Texas. I've been out there to visit several times and I have to say that I really like Texas. Then in 2008, I drove up to Alaska. It was great. If I could get used to the cold in the winter, I believe I could live my life out in Alaska. I'm temped to say that bigger is better and that the big states have something the others don't. Then I remember that I was very impressed with South Dakota and figure It might be a good place to live as well.

Alabama is not the worse place in the world and I am pretty happy here but I definitely have found some other places that seem like they would be a good replacement.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Back From Texas

We got back from Texas this week. We had been out there for the birth of my second grandson. Ford Miller Jones. He is a sweetie, just like his older brother Gantt. Since he was born in Texas, he is a native texan. I guess one of these days he will be driving a car with two stickers on the bumper. One, with the Texas single star that says "Native Texan" and another on the other side that says "Don't mess with Texas."