Monday, October 26, 2009


Late last week I watched a video on YouTube of some guy cutting filets off a tilapia. It looked like something I could do so Sunday I went by the local Food$mart and got a couple of whole tilapia. One was 560 grams the other was 428 grams. I fileted the first one Sunday. I battered the filets in cornmeal, salt and black pepper and fried them in olive oil. One thing I didn't do that the guy in the video did was to remove the skin. The fried tilapia filets with skin on had a taste that reminded me of bream.

Today I fileted the smaller tilapia. Again I left the skin on. I blackened these. During the blackening, the skin turned loose. I was able to pull it back with a fork with no damage to the filets. The blackened tilapia filets were very tasty. Maybe not quite so much of a fish taste with the skin removed.

I am sure I will be preparing tilapia both ways in the future, but when I intend to blacken them, I will go ahead and remove the skin to simplify things.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Onion Humor

I love The Onion , they rate right up there with The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and South Park as being the most politically incorrect media entities. I just finished reading this onion article and I was laughing my ass off until I remembered some of the things I had read in the comments section on recently. I reflected for a minute and decided that if the entire country is as overrun with dumb asses as the forums appear to be, this Onion article could actually happen in the near future.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Smart Folks

I just finished reading this New York Times opinion article. It reminded me of something I heard from an instructor when I was at Auburn.

It was my second time to take Differential Equations (I took several courses twice) and my instructor was a graduate student. He was, by his own account, somewhat lazy. I don't recall him ever giving a real lecture. He preferred instead to assign homework and then have selected students go to the board the next day and work the problems. Since I had taken DE before and had kept copious notes, I had the solution to many if not most of the homework problems. The solutions were easy to copy to the board and we got credit for "working a problem at the board." Often, when students were at the board "working" problems the instructor would broach off on to a non mathematical subject. On one occasion, I remember he was talking about the government. I don't remember the details of what he was saying but I do recall that someone suggested that since he had all the answers, maybe he should be president. His response was that he was an intellectual and that intellectuals should never be president because they would be so certain of the right way to do things that they would be contemptuous of the people and would become dictators.

Seems like the NYT article sort of supports that theory. Although the smart people didn't get to the top of Wall Street, they did get high enough to reek havoc. Maybe we should IQ test everyone and prohibit people above a certain IQ from holding positions of authority or influence in companies or in the government. This would accomplish two things. First, smart, conniving, people would not be allowed into positions where they could disrupt the lives of others. Second, everyone would know that Presidents, Vice Presidents, Managers, Supervisors, etc were kinda slow and they would not pay them too much attention. The world might be a better place.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Seeing What We Want To See

Last year before the election I was talking to one of my engineer buddies that works at the electrical utility where I used to work. We were talking about the upcoming presidential election and he was telling me that most of the folks in his church were excited to have a black candidate running for president. That may seem strange to you since we are in Alabama, but my buddy is black. Anyway, he is like me, never thinks the same as everyone else thinks and never misses a opportunity to say what he thinks. He told his fellow church members that when he looked at Mr. Obama, he did not see a black man, he saw a politician. I agreed with him at the time and I still do.

A couple of days ago I was talking to someone from North Alabama and the person told me that many of their friends and acquaintances over the age of 65 were up in arms over the governments recommendation that people over 65 be the last to get the H1N1 flu shot. The north Alabama oldies have come to the conclusion that this is the Obama administration's way to kill them off. While it wasn't stated, I suspect that the majority of them are white and republican. My advice to them would be to be glad if the government was trying to kill them. Our government is so inept at everything it does that if it tries to kill you, you may get into the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest living person.

So the black church members in Birmingham looked at Obama and saw the great black hope. The old white republicans in north Alabama look at him and see someone planning eldercide. As I said before, I am like my engineer friend, I look at Obama and see a politician and if I don't listen to what he says, but watch what he does, he is pretty much like the politician that held that office before him.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


A couple of times every day, I pull up AL.COM to see if anything interesting is happening around me. If I find an article that interests me, I read it. Then, I usually check out the comments that accompany it. I was born in Alabama and have lived here all my life. I know that some of the best, most polite and smartest people in the world live here, but apparently none of them make comments on AL.COM. For every half way intelligent comment, there are at least ten that are asinine and the flaming that goes on is heart breaking.

I've given it some thought and I believe that the problem is the anonymity in posting. If everyone had to include in their posts their real name and the city where they lived, I expect that a lot of the crap that is posted now wouldn't be.