Saturday, June 30, 2007
Prioritizing Your Concerns
Everyday I talk to people who are concerned about something. Many of their concerns have to do with things that they have read in the newspaper, heard on a radio talk show or seen on TV. It seems there is no end to the bad news with which we are inundated. How is a person supposed to cope with all this? How do we keep it from overwhelming us?
My answer is prioritizing your concerns by determining which things affect you the most. I feel the best way to do that is to develop a list of questions, answer them and then sort your concerns according to the answers.
For example:
Has you or any member of your immediate family been ---
... Attacked by a terrorist?
... Mistreated by the police?
... Shot?
... Raped?
... Robbed?
... Treated in a heavy-handed manner by a government official?
... Harassed by the IRS?
... Forced to pay an unfair amount of property tax?
... Gouged by someone selling ice and gasoline after a natural disaster?
... Poisoned by Chinese cat food?
... The victim of a stroke or heart attack caused by arthritis medicine?
... Blinded by an erectile dysfunction medicine?
... Flooded out by rising sea levels caused by global warming?
... Forced to wait too long in line at the post office?
...Gotten salmonella from bad peanut butter or e-coli from ground beef?
...Had to significantly alter your life style due to rising fuel prices?
Enough, you get the idea. Now make a list of questions like that for yourself, list everything that currently concerns you. Answer the questions, “yes”, “maybe” or “no”. Then sort the list based on the answers, yes questions first, maybe questions second and no questions third.
Voila, now you have a priority list of concerns. Worry, if you like, about the ones at the top of the list, think occasionally about the ones in the middle and forget about the ones at the bottom.
You have my permission to sub sort within the three categories based on your own feelings and prejudices.
My answer is prioritizing your concerns by determining which things affect you the most. I feel the best way to do that is to develop a list of questions, answer them and then sort your concerns according to the answers.
For example:
Has you or any member of your immediate family been ---
... Attacked by a terrorist?
... Mistreated by the police?
... Shot?
... Raped?
... Robbed?
... Treated in a heavy-handed manner by a government official?
... Harassed by the IRS?
... Forced to pay an unfair amount of property tax?
... Gouged by someone selling ice and gasoline after a natural disaster?
... Poisoned by Chinese cat food?
... The victim of a stroke or heart attack caused by arthritis medicine?
... Blinded by an erectile dysfunction medicine?
... Flooded out by rising sea levels caused by global warming?
... Forced to wait too long in line at the post office?
...Gotten salmonella from bad peanut butter or e-coli from ground beef?
...Had to significantly alter your life style due to rising fuel prices?
Enough, you get the idea. Now make a list of questions like that for yourself, list everything that currently concerns you. Answer the questions, “yes”, “maybe” or “no”. Then sort the list based on the answers, yes questions first, maybe questions second and no questions third.
Voila, now you have a priority list of concerns. Worry, if you like, about the ones at the top of the list, think occasionally about the ones in the middle and forget about the ones at the bottom.
You have my permission to sub sort within the three categories based on your own feelings and prejudices.
Homeland Security
To me, there is something alien about the word homeland. Maybe I watched too many WWII movies when I was growing up but everytime someone says homeland, a chill runs up my spine and the picture of a guy in a Nazi uniform shouting about the fatherland pops into my mind. I grew up with the concepts of my country, my state, and my county. The closest thing to homeland was homestead, ole home place or just home. So to me homeland is the land that your home stands on, which in my case is 2 acres in Alabama. If you say home security to many folks they think of Brinks or ADT, but I always think of that loaded shotgun I keep standing in the corner. So in conclusion, to me homeland security is a loaded shotgun in my home in Alabama.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
What Would a Ron Paul Presidency Look Like?
Muckraker Report: You seem to have a stronger anti-war stance than even many of the Dem. candidates: unlike Hillary Clinton, for instance, you voted against the Iraq war. In terms of foreign policy, what would a Ron Paul presidency look like?Ron Paul: Well, it certainly wouldn’t involve going to war with countries that pose no threat to us..
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Something Stinks In Alabama
I love Alabama. I was born here and I've lived here all my life. I love the land, I love the people, but the politics stinks. If there is anything rotten or corrupt going on anywere, you can bet that some politician from Alabama has his or her hand in it. For the latest installment of this sorry mess, read this article by Scott Horton.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Hillary Scares Sen. Mike Gravel
I will be voting for Republican Ron Paul in the primary, but if I were a democrat, I would have to vote for Mike Gravel. Here is what he has to say about Hillary:
"During one of the debates I mentioned that my fellow Democratic candidates scare me. Hillary's speech last week to the Take Back America conference gives me yet another reason to be afraid." - a column from Sen. Mike Gravel
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"During one of the debates I mentioned that my fellow Democratic candidates scare me. Hillary's speech last week to the Take Back America conference gives me yet another reason to be afraid." - a column from Sen. Mike Gravel
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What we've got here is ...
Many of you that remember the 1967 movie "Cool Hand Luke" will recall the famous line by Strother Martin," What we've got here is a failure to communicate." It had been quite some time since I had thought of that line, but today, I was reading Angora Financials 5 Minute Forecast. They were talking about a kakistocracy. Well I went to and looked up kakistocracy and I immediately thought of that line by Strother Martin, except I substituted "kakistocracy" for "failure to communicate." Check it out for yourself and see if you don't agree? What we've got here is a kakistocracy.
Friday, June 22, 2007
This an interesting article about sunspots and the effects they have on earth.
Another interesting thing about sunspots is their effect on electromagnetic communications. Those of you old enough to remember the world before cable TV may remember something called "skip". You would go in and turn on the TV and instead of your usual channels, you would be getting one or more from further away. In our case it was channel 3 in Columbus, GA. That skip was caused by increased ionization of the upper atmosphere. The ionization caused radio waves to bend differently. The increased ionization was due to increased sunspot activity.
Another interesting thing about sunspots is their effect on electromagnetic communications. Those of you old enough to remember the world before cable TV may remember something called "skip". You would go in and turn on the TV and instead of your usual channels, you would be getting one or more from further away. In our case it was channel 3 in Columbus, GA. That skip was caused by increased ionization of the upper atmosphere. The ionization caused radio waves to bend differently. The increased ionization was due to increased sunspot activity.
Monday, June 11, 2007 shared a video with you

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I agree with Olbermann 100%
YouTube - Keith Olbermann - Special Comment
- Ken (

YouTube - Keith Olbermann - Special Comment
- Ken (
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Thursday, June 07, 2007
The Alabama Legislature
Well, at least they have found something else to occupy their time instead of passing themselves pay raises. As for what Barron is said to have called Bishop, I would say it probably takes one to know one. Or to put it another way, it may be a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
The Remnant
Just the other day I heard someone mention "The Remnant." It was a term that was new to me. This morning I read this article by Barry Shaffer that sheds some light on what and who the Remnant are. Earlier in my life, I worked for an electric utility. I was at a conference once and the speaker, a fellow electric utility worker, said that he always felt that our work, keeping the electricty on, was one of life's greatest callings; surpassed only by minister of the gospel, teacher and physician. After reading Shaffer's article, I would have to include member of the Remnant in that list of higher callings.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Mike Gravel
For all you Yellow Dog Democrats that can't bring yourself to vote for Ron Paul because he is a Republican, here is a guy in your own party that is telling it like it is. Why not vote for him?
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