Monday, April 25, 2005

The Radical Environmental Movement

I just read an article by Eric Englund that does a good job of pointing out the hypocrisy of the radical environmental movement. It is a short article and worth reading.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Veggie Car Success

Yesterday I drove the Mercedes to Coosa County. UPS delivered the last part (the coolant pump) last week and I had installed it so the 'veggie car' was ready for a test. Just below Alabaster, the operating temp had gotten high enough that I felt comfortable switching to vegetable oil. There was no noticeable change in operation. I stopped at the Calera exit to look under to hood to make sure everything was ok. Then I walked around to the back and checked the exhaust. I can't say that it smelled like 'french fries' but it definitely had that hot cooking oil smell. I drove on toward Clanton and switched back to diesel at the Lake Mitchell exit. The maiden voyage was a success.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Professor Thomas Gold's Theory On Crude Oil.

I have heard of Professor Gold's theory before. This article by George Crispin gives some information on additional support for the theory. Very interesting to say the least. If you want to read about it in the professor's own words, look at from 1993. [Sorry, Cornell seems to have deleted or moved the subject paper.]

Canadian Adscam

When I was growing up in the '50s and '60s, I always admired Canada. I wasn't much on cold weather, but Canada had a certain attraction nonetheless. In 1963 I got to go along on a fishing trip to Kenora, beautiful country in that part of Canada. When they started their lottery, I was thrilled. I even played it by mail for a while until someone stopped the company that was selling the subscriptions. Somewhere between then and now, our northern cousins have taken the wrong turn in the road. I realize that they are not by themselves. We in the USA have made our share of bad turns. In fact we may be just following their lead in some cases. The first really big falling out I had with them was when they enacted their draconian gun laws. Now, when I read about stuff like this , I can't help but be even more troubled. What has happened to send our friends in the north off in the direction of totalitarian socialism. I know that with some of the campaign reform and anti-terrorist legislation we have now, we are not too far behind. In fact, we may already be on the same page and we just don't know about it because of secrecy or censorship or court orders or what have you. They say the pendulum swings both ways, I certainly hope this one has about reached it's limit and is ready to start back the other way.